Friday, October 24, 2008

Will Ferrell returns to Saturday Night Live

While Saturday Night Live has fell from my must-watch list in recent years, their latest skits satirizing the politics of Gov. Sarah Palin and President Bush have not only brought me back to the SNL bandwagon but opened my eyes to the necessary role of satire in American politics.

Will Ferrell's Dubya was hilarious.

Tina Fey's Palin was hilarious.

While these portrayals are an immediate laugh, the underlying issues they are satirizing are at the same time scary. In this time of political sensitivity, economic stress and a polarizing election, the need for awareness is as crucial as ever. Satire allows these comedians and writers to reach a vast audience without turning them away with the typical shallow bickering found in everyday political coverage. One might argue that the SNL skits are down right biased, but the again, what so called News source is not? SNL is registering numbers beyond any of the 'News' programs.

At least people are paying attention.

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